With extensive knowledge of Council requirements, broad experience in the environmental testing field, and the latest technology for collecting, collating and delivering data - EWB Consultants will provide the most practical, cost effective solution to your project to achieve the desired outcome. All investigations include a "Council Ready" report to include with your consent application or for submission to Council.
More Info:
Soil Testing
From a single soil sample through to a full Detailed Site Investigation, EWB Consultants has the knowledge and experience to provide you with just what you need and nothing you don’t.
Soil testing can be undertaken however best suits your needs and the team at EWB Consultants is happy to discuss your specific project requirements and come up with a tailored solution just for you.
Some examples of our soil testing include:
Pre-Purchase Due Diligence for properties that are flagged as potentially contaminated on their LIM or Property Report
Testing soil for disposal
Asbestos in soils
Checking fill soils to confirm cleanfill status
Testing on-site wastewater disposal fields or failed septic tanks
Lead testing around the perimeter of houses to check for contamination from lead-based paint
Testing vegetable gardens and horticultural land for pesticide residues
Validation following asbestos removal from a building
Testing agricultural and horticultural soils to measure the soil quality and nutrient levels to assist with determining fertiliser requirements
Preliminary & Detailed Site Investigations (see below)
DIY Soil Test Kits for Soil Contamination & Nutrients
Preliminary Site Investigation (PSI)
If a property is to be subdivided, have a change in landuse, or earthworks are proposed over the Council permitted activity rules (NES or Regional Plan) and the property is “flagged” for possible contamination by the Council on the Property File or LIM - Then a Preliminary or Detailed Site Investigation will be required.
A Preliminary Site Investigation is designed to assess the history of the site and determine whether there is a potential for it to be contaminated. It will also determine whether any further investigations, including soil or water sampling or a full Detailed Site Investigation are required. EWB Consultants will prepare a ‘Council Ready’ report which can be handed directly to your Council or planner to fulfil consent requirements.
Detailed Site Investigation (DSI)
If a Preliminary Site Investigation determines the need for further investigation, or there is clear evidence that the site has been used for hazardous activities (such as the examples listed below) and the property is to be redeveloped - Then a Detailed Site Investigation will be required.
Some common examples of Hazardous Activities that can result in soil contamination are:
Horticultural Use (Market Gardens, Glass Houses, Spray Sheds, Orchards, Vineyards)
Uncontrolled or Non-engineered Fill
Asbestos in poor condition or remnants of asbestos containing material in soil following its removal from a building
Septic Tank or On-Site Wastewater System
Livestock Dip & Spray Races
Gas Stations
Mechanics or Wreckers Yard
A DSI incorporates a PSI and soil sampling to form an in-depth investigation into the site. Once the site history is clear, a sampling plan is formulated and samples are taken from the property. Samples are sent to the lab for analysis, to confirm what contamination is present (if any) and at what levels, and recommendations made on what consents are needed and whether any further investigations, remediation or management is required. EWB Consultants prepare a ‘Council Ready’ report which can be handed directly to your Council or planner to fulfil consent requirements.
The type of contamination present will depend on the history of the site and could include one or more of the following:
Heavy metals eg; arsenic, cadmium, copper, chromium, nickel, lead, mercury and zinc
Pesticide residues eg; organochlorine pesticides such as DDT and Dieldrin
Asbestos eg; asbestos containing material (ACM) or asbestos fibres
Hydrocarbons eg; TPH, PAH and BTEX
Remediation or Long Term Management
Remediation Action Plan (RAP), Site Management Plan (SMP) & Remediation Supervision
If a Detailed Site Investigation reveals a property is contaminated then a Remediation Action Plan (RAP) and/or Site Management Plan (SMP) will be required for Council approval to show how the site will be made suitable for its intended use and how human health and the environment will be protected during earthworks.
A RAP/SMP report outlines the extent of the contamination in detail, includes a Conceptual Site Model and provides recommendations and options for the safe removal and/or management of the contamination, in order to make the site suitable and safe for its intended use. Once approved by the Council these reports are handed to the contractor who will be doing the remediation. EWB Consultants can supervise remediation (as required) to ensure compliance with your RAP and relevant consent conditions.
Long Term Management Plans (LTMP) & Conceptual Site Model (CSM)
Sometimes it is difficult or impractical to remove contaminated soil from a site. EWB Consultants can help manage properties long-term to ensure they do not have a negative effect on future occupants or the environment. We will prepare a ‘Council ready’ Long-Term Management Plan (LTMP) report, specific to the property which will detail the most practical ways to manage and monitor the contaminants present.
The LTMP will include a Conceptual Site Model (CSM) which will assess where the contaminants are, how the contaminants are possibly affecting both human health and the environment and come up with solutions to break the exposure pathway.
Asbestos Removal Management Plan (ARMP) & Asbestos Removal Control Plan (ARCP)
If asbestos is found to be present within site soils, an ARMP & ARCP will be required for Council approval to show how the asbestos contaminated soils will be safely removed.
Once approved, the ARMP & ARCP will be utilised by a specialist asbestos removal company during remedial works to remove the asbestos contaminated soil and/or material.
Validation Sampling and Reporting
Once a property has been remediated or the long-term management measures have been put in place, validation sampling and/or reporting will be required for submission to Council. If soil has been removed from the property then validation will include sampling of the soil and/or water that is left to ensure all contaminated soils have been successfully removed (as per your RAP).
If long-term management measures have been installed, EWB Consultants will inspect the measures undertaken to ensure they have been implemented in accordance with your LTMP and relevant consent conditions. EWB Consultants will prepare a ‘Council Ready’ report which can be handed directly to your Council or planner to fulfil consent requirements.
Why Choose EWB Consultants:
Tertiary Qualified Staff
20+ Years Experience
Asbestos Trained & Qualified
Suitably Qualified & Experienced Practitioners (SQEPs)
Big enough to deliver expert service, small enough to provide competitive pricing
Save time and money by combining investigations
Streamlined processes
Up to date technology
Concise health & safety plans
Experienced staff, with reliable and sound recommendations to enable cost savings wherever possible
Quick Turnaround on every project
Urgent Turnaround available on request
Get just what you need, and nothing you don't: From single tests to full investigations